Mail : estelle.schorpp[at]gmail[dot]com
CV : on request

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© Gabrielle Godbout


Estelle Schorpp is a Montreal-based sound artist, composer and researcher. She holds a master’s degree from École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris. She also graduated from Université de Montréal with a master’s degree in Sound Creation and Composition during which she wrote a thesis entitled “Sonic interactive environments: an ecosystemic approach” and explored the potential of algorithmic systems through interactive sound installation.

She uses the tools and methods of research-creation to set up projects that take a critical and creative look at our relationship with the sound and media environment. Integrating concepts from disciplines such as sound studies, media theory, history of science, philosophy, acoustics and psychoacoustics, her polymorphous approach combines performance, sound installation and algorithmic composition, as well as academic communication and the writing of scientific articles.

She teaches at the Music Faculty of Université de Montréal (CA).

Her work has been presented in festivals such as La Biennale di Venezia (IT), Ars Electronica (AT), MUTEK (MX, CA, AR, JP), Akousma (CA), FIMAV (CA), Le Mans Sonore (FR), Exhibitronic (FR, DE), MuTeFest (FI) and in group exhibitions at the Centre d'Exposition de l'Université de Montréal (CA), Palais des Beaux-Arts de Paris (FR) and Exhibition Laboratory (FI). Her researches have been presented in several symposiums at ISEA22 (SP), CIRMMT (CA), Université de Montréal (CA) and EHESS (FR) and she has published articles as main author or co-author in Organised Sound, eContact! and Cahiers Louis Lumière. In 2016 she received the first Exhibitronic award for her electroacoustic composition Bagdad 9ème siècle. She is the recipient of several research-creation grants.