self-interactive sound installation2019
Écosystème(s) is a self-interactive sound installation inspired by the communication techniques of orthopteran insects. Placed
on a listening desk, about twenty speakers of different models
broadcast sound samples whose spectra and behaviours are inspired by bug
songs. This device allows a global listening point of a sound
microcosm. Thanks to two listening microphones and a trigger and
threshold algorithmic system, each sample enters or disappears, depending on the
« sonic space » it can occupy. The audience is thus taken into
consideration and its sound presence modifies the behaviour of the
environment that tries to find a balance. The form is vivid and
unpredictable, in a hesitation between naturalist and artificial
landscape, between chaotic sound swarms and formed patterns. It invites attentive listening and silence.
Credits :
Research, Conception, Composition, Programming : Estelle Schorpp
Device’s conception and realisation : Estelle Schorpp, Alexandre Mantha
Exhibited :
2021 :
FIMAV Edition 38, Sound Installations, Victoriaville, CA.
MUTEK Forum Edition 7. Forum on current practices in digital creation, Hexagram Network, CA, MX, JP, AR.
Festival Ars Electronica Garden 2021, EMERGENC/Y Les Rencontres Interdisciplinaires d’Hexagram édition 21-22, AT.
2020 : “Formes d’ondes”, Gallery of the University of Montreal, CA.
2019 : Ultrasons Festival, Faculty of Music of Université de Montréal.
Credits :
Research, Conception, Composition, Programming : Estelle Schorpp
Device’s conception and realisation : Estelle Schorpp, Alexandre Mantha
Exhibited :
2021 :
FIMAV Edition 38, Sound Installations, Victoriaville, CA.
MUTEK Forum Edition 7. Forum on current practices in digital creation, Hexagram Network, CA, MX, JP, AR.
Festival Ars Electronica Garden 2021, EMERGENC/Y Les Rencontres Interdisciplinaires d’Hexagram édition 21-22, AT.
2020 : “Formes d’ondes”, Gallery of the University of Montreal, CA.
2019 : Ultrasons Festival, Faculty of Music of Université de Montréal.