Memorià de Santa Susanna
composition for and with insects, live electronics, saxophone, cello, guitar and collaboration with Liew Niyomkarn, Evan Tarrh, Itxaso Navarro, Leire Elizari Carceller, Timo Timolainen and Jose Venditti
Memorià de Santa Susanna was composed during the intensive field recording and sound ecology summer camp Audiotalaia in July 2017.
This piece was written for and with an ensemble of seven human performers and hundreds of insects. This piece was composed based on field recordings I made in the surroundings of the ruined church Santa Susanna, in the dry mountains of Catalonia. One of the most striking sonic signatures was of course the bugs songs, filling the space with complex rhythmic patterns and rich high frequencies timbers. Another sonic presence, yet inaudible, was the echo of the bells of the old church. This piece was meant be performed in-situ, made for and with the soundscape. It aimed to propose an auditory experience of the place by activating it, by offering to listen to it in a different way.
Credits :
Vocals : local insects
Composition, live electronics : Estelle Schorpp
Live Coding : Liew Niyomkarn
Live Electronics : Evan Tarrh
Cello : Itxaso Navarro
Guitar : Leire Elizari Carceller
Bells : Timo Timolainen
Saxophone : Jose Venditti