multimedia installation2016
This installation is the result of seven soundwalks I did between 2014 and 2016 in different locations. Being inspired by the works of Hildegaard Westerkamp, Janet Cardiff and Luc Ferrari, this installation focuses on the many layers of the auditory experience in the style of a docu-fiction.
I composed a seven-minute multiphonic electroacoustic piece, using voices and field recordings. The seven voices, which come from the seven suspended loudspeakers, recount the soundwalks that I transcribed into writing. While these voices describe landscapes, talk about orientation and tell stories, different sound events fill the space.
Seven booklets punctuate the space, giving directions, offering points of view and listening. One can read diversed and varied sound sensations, from listening to one’s own breath to the granular sound of the rain. Each one has its own shape, depending on what it gives to hear. These are hybrid writings between maps, scores and fictions.
It was shown as part of my bachelor’s degree’s final exhibitionat École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris in June 2016.